B. inggris Sekolah Dasar Quiz Siang menjelang sore :
Soal terlampir pada gambar atas ya...
Tolong kak dijawab ya....
Jangan ngasal. Nanti laporin.
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 7 Smp
Bagi yg bisa dijawab ya....
Dengan tepat dan benar ya....
Oke Makasih​

Quiz Siang menjelang sore :
Soal terlampir pada gambar atas ya...
Tolong kak dijawab ya....
Jangan ngasal. Nanti laporin.
Mapel : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 7 Smp
Bagi yg bisa dijawab ya....
Dengan tepat dan benar ya....
Oke Makasih​


1. Bella, which one should I choose, this dress or that dress?

2. This question are difficult. can you help me?

3. Look at this/that drawing. it's so beautiful

4. They are my sisters, Jasmine and Rosalie

5. I can tell them he is upset

6. I'm telling you this is the last chance I'll give to you

7. This is a beautiful day

8. This is a good idea!

9. How could buy a book like this?

10. Rihan, can you please take that/this and put it on the table over there?


maaf kalo salah
